Patient and Care giver involvement in Nurse Education in a Nursing College in India
This research explored the involvement of patients and caregivers in student nurse education in a nursing college in Manipal, India. It determined that there is a tripartite involvement with the caregivers, patients, and student nurses transferring learning from one to the other at different times. But the caregiver appeared to adopt a very clear role of often facilitating communication and informal learning to student nurses. But do caregivers think of themselves as teachers or is this a perception? There are implications from these findings that show the value of caregivers and also for students to spend more time in practice communicatiing with care givers and patients. In the educational setting they could then reflect on these experineces. Some evidence from this research points to the Freierean principles of students who actively reflected on their practice experiences resulting in their transformation.
Patient and Care giver involvement in Nurse Education in a Nursing College in India
UCLAN Conference Presentation 2021
Advance HE Fellowship status
- Senior Fellowship
Author's role
- Other
Accessibility status
- Not accessible, or has not been checked