Edge Hill University
Unlocking Recognition - A Collaborative Journey in Pedagogy.pptx (2.41 MB)

Unlocking Recognition - A Collaborative Journey in Pedagogy

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posted on 2024-06-09, 08:43 authored by Dawne Irving-BellDawne Irving-Bell, Sue BeckinghamSue Beckingham

Acknowledging the challenges faced by teaching-focused academics in gaining recognition for their scholarship, our session extends a warm invitation to delegates to share their impactful teaching and learning ideas. ​

Aligned with the conference theme of 'Reward and Recognition’, our interactive workshop seeks to amplify scholarly voices, and cultivate a culture of appreciation.​

Within this collaborative space, delegates will be invited to contribute to the collective enrichment of teaching and learning by sharing uplifting stories of innovation. Whether that be a ‘top tip’, pedagogical pearl, uniquely engaging or unconventional approach that sparks motivation and captivate learners. Nurturing this exchange of dynamic strategies, delegates' insights, innovations, and ideas will be curated into a vibrant 'Zine’. ​

A collective mini repository of pedagogical brilliance, that will find its home on the National Teaching Repository. ​

Through attendance, delegates will contribute to the creation of a global Open Education Resource, and leave with a tangible, published output, proudly showcasing their distinctive pedagogical contribution to enrich learning and teaching across the global education community.​

Join us in this hands-on workshop, where, by sharing our teaching innovations we will help enrich teaching and learning one idea at a time!


Advance HE Fellowship status

  • Principal Fellowship

Author's role

  • Academic staff

Accessibility status

  • Some files are accessible


Edge Hill, BPP and Sheffield Hallam University

Date of resource creation

April 2024



Learning Resource Type

  • Conference Contribution

Target Group or Audience

Advance HE

Usage metrics

    The National Teaching Repository: Global Reach and Impact



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