Edge Hill University

NTR - The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning

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Version 4 2020-09-18, 13:30
Version 3 2020-07-31, 14:12
Version 2 2020-07-20, 15:07
Version 1 2020-07-19, 18:37
posted on 2020-09-18, 13:30 authored by The National Teaching Repository An Open Education Resource with global proven reach and impactThe National Teaching Repository An Open Education Resource with global proven reach and impact

The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning

Within academia the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) is frequently perceived as somehow ‘less than’ its other research counterparts (Boshier, 2009; Tight, 2017). This repository sub-group seeks to foster submissions that bridge the gap between our identities as scholars and as a teachers.

Therefore, we welcome contributions that serve to support SOTL scholarship and to help colleagues to engage in good, but also rewarding teaching practices.

These may include but are not limited to:

•Curriculum design and development

•Approaches to delivery

•Pedagogical resources

•Working papers and personal reflections

•Multi-media presentations


Dr Nathalie Sherdian, The University of Glasgow
