Edge Hill University

HE Research Network Seminar 'Go to Oxbridge, get a job, start a career' The “Low Value” Arts Degree and the Neoliberal University

Version 2 2023-10-19, 07:45
Version 1 2023-10-19, 07:43
posted on 2023-10-19, 07:45 authored by Naomi HodgsonNaomi Hodgson, Orlaith Darling, Áine Mohan, Marlena ChrostowskaMarlena Chrostowska

In this seminar delivered in October 2023 for Edge Hill University's Higher Education Research Network, Dr Áine Mahon, University College Dublin, and Orlaith Darling, Trinity College Dublin, addresses the current threats to Arts and Humanities provision by drawing on the theoretical work of Lauren Berlant and the literary fiction of Nicole Flattery and Natasha Brown to sketch a framework for how the Arts and Humanities might be more responsive to the crises of our contemporary age.

The seminar is introduced by Dr Naomi Hodgson, convenor of the network.

Find out more about the network on the EHU website.


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