Edge Hill University

Safeguarding Education in Athletics report: full and abridged versions

Posted on 2021-11-03 - 13:03
Full and abridged versions of the following report are included in this collection:
Safeguarding Education in Athletics: A comparative evaluation of training effect in three modes of entry-level safeguarding training delivered by UK Athletics

This report presents an evaluation comparing three modes of delivery of entry-level safeguarding training for the sport of athletics:

1. Virtual: a tutor-led online, real-time, interactive classroom with multiple learners
2. Face-to-Face: a tutor-led, physical (or actual) classroom with multiple learners
3. Online: a pre-configured online training module navigated independently by learners

Following a synthesis of evidence including two extensive literature reviews, an evaluation framework and relevant instruments were developed.

In this comparison of introductory safeguarding training for athletics, a significant learning effect was found in all three cohorts or modes of training (Online, Virtual, Face-to-Face). This effect was weakest in the Online cohort. In addition to the stronger learning effect found within the two tutor-led cohorts, tutor-led training was particularly effective where understanding of safeguarding was low or weak.

We found that self-directed (online) training is effective, but that tutor-led training (‘virtual’ or ‘face-to-face’) provides a dynamic, contextualised learning environment where the opportunity to discuss anxieties or ask questions is of importance to, and valued by, learners.

We conclude that a programme of safeguarding training that provides multiple learning pathways offers the most appropriate and effective approach and that tutor-led safeguarding training is a necessary and important feature of a robust safeguarding programme for the sport sector. We also suggest that tutor-led training is important for the embedding of safeguarding within ‘normal’ coaching practice and wider sports culture.


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