- Do female offenders differ? Comparing the criminal histories of serious violent perpetrators with a control sample
- Exploring the currency of violence in Serious Organised Crime (SOC)
- Diverting young men from gangs: a qualitative evaluation
- Assessing the appetite for evidence based policing: A UK based study
- Taking an Evidence-Based Approach to Evidence-Based Policing Research
- Cooperative actors in domestic abuse and their association with prosecution: implications for the criminal justice system
- Organisational and individual perspectives of police wellbeing in England and Wales
- The future of the police analyst and EBP
- Developments in UK police wellbeing: A review of blue light wellbeing frameworks
- What does the UK Police National Database tell us about the future of police intelligence?
- Exploring the currency of violence in serious organized crime
- Law enforcement and public health: partners for community safety and wellbeing
- Eurovision 2023: Exploring Liverpool's multi-agency approach to a large-scale event
- The Future of the Role
- Understanding how law enforcement agencies share information in an intelligence-led environment: how operational context influences different approaches
- A tale of two Eurovision cities: Multi-agency approaches and defining success
- Law enforcement information sharing for the 21st Century
- Intelligence-led policing in the 21st Century: How increased mobility requires new paradigms of information sharing