Edge Hill University

Clare Woolhouse

Reader in Inclusive Education (Education)

North West England

After completing her PGCE, Clare worked in two secondary schools and a further education college before moving into higher education. At Lancaster University she taught undergraduate students for five years while studying for a PhD. In 2007 she moved to the Faculty of Education at Edge Hill University. Clare’s teaching relates to sociological approaches to a range of educational subjects and concerns at undergraduate and postgraduate level. She mentors PhD students, early career researchers and academic colleagues new to teaching in Higher Education and is a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. Her research adopts a feminist, post structuralist approach to exploring identity formation, multi-modal methodologies and pedagogies, with particular attention given to aspects of educational difference, inclusion and social justice.


  • Woolhouse C. 2023. Reimagining time, space and identity through narrative research with teachers: “these ghosts came back to haunt me”. Education Studies, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/03055698.2023.2216822
  • Woolhouse, C. 2023. Technologies of the self and narrating an ethical teacher identity, or how to tell stories of a life well lived. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education. https://dx.doi.org/10.1080/09518398.2023.2181453
  • Woolhouse, C. Hasting C. and Hallett, F. 2021. Perspectives on inclusion: Close encounters of the creative kind. International Journal of Art and Design Education. 40 (2) pp. 420-435.
  • Woolhouse, C. Albin-Clark, J., Shirley, I. and Webster, M. 2019. Collaborative research as community learning in a Higher Education context, or “What would Rod Stewart do?” Studies in Higher Education. 4 (3) pp. 477-491.
  • Woolhouse, C. 2019. Conducting photo methodologies with children: framing ethical concerns relating to representation, voice and data analysis when exploring educational inclusion with children. International Journal of Research and Method in Education. 42 (1) pp.3-18.
  • Nicholson, L., Rodriguez-Cuadrado, S. and Woolhouse, C. 2018. Reframing peer mentoring as a route for developing an educational community of practice. Mentoring and Tutoring: Partnership in Learning Journal. 26 (4) pp. 420-440.
  • Dunne, L., Hallett, F., Kay, V. and Woolhouse, C. 2018. Spaces of inclusion: Investigating place, positioning and perspective within educational settings through photo-elicitation. International Journal of Inclusive Education. 22 (1) pp. 21-37.
  • Albin-Clark, J., Shirley, I., Webster, M. and Woolhouse, C., 2018. Relationships in early childhood education – beyond the professional into the personal within the teacher–child dyad: relationships ‘that ripple in the pond’. Early Child Development and Care, 188 (2) pp. 88-101.
  • Woolhouse, C. 2017. Multimodal life history narrative: embodied identity, discursive transitions and uncomfortable silences, Narrative Inquiry. 27 (1) June 2017. pp. 111-133.
  • Dunne, L., Hallett, F., Kay, V. and Woolhouse, C. 2017. Visualising Inclusion: Employing a photo-elicitation methodology to explore views of inclusive education, SAGE Research Methods Cases. http://srmo.sagepub.com/cases.
  • Woolhouse, C. 2015. Teachers performing gender and belonging: a case study of how SENCOs narrate inclusion identities. Gender and Education, 27 (2) pp. 131-147.

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