Edge Hill University

Evaluation of the Impact of the Workshop ‘EQiT – Embedding Compassionate, Courageous, Cross-cultural Conversations into Training’

posted on 2023-06-20, 07:18 authored by Jeremy BrownJeremy Brown, liam jenkins, John Sandars, Julie Bridson, Mumtaz Patel

This study shows that raising awareness of differential attainment (DA) in the Workshop and building the confidence and skills of trainers leads to positive change in supervisory practice of trainees in Psychiatry. These changes (building better relationships, signposting to resources etc.) are expected to improve trainee outcomes in the longer term. Future application of the findings not only relate to this Workshop, but to other training of trainers which is run across other specialties. Postgraduate training organisations, including Health Education England (HEE) local offices/Deaneries and Medical Royal Colleges, provide training for trainers through ‘Train the Trainer’ programmes and Educational Supervisor Training days. These organisations should consider opportunities to: • improve dissemination of relevant data about DA to all Educational and Clinical Supervisors to raise awareness and increase understanding of barriers to learning and protective factors; • improve knowledge of the wider support available which trainees can be signposted to, for example, examination preparation, mentoring schemes and peer support; • develop guidance on how to adapt current supervisory practice to meet the needs of trainees from diverse backgrounds, providing immediate support for both trainers and trainees through timely intervention. 


Health Education England North West


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