Edge Hill University

Belonging Research Project: an analysis of innovative methodologies

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Version 2 2024-11-12, 16:53
Version 1 2024-10-21, 14:22
posted on 2024-11-12, 16:53 authored by Sophie Connor, David GilaniDavid Gilani, Claudia Cojocaru, Emma Heron, Helen Parkin, Liz Thomas, Michelle May, Rachael O'Connor

The Belonging Research Project provides a case study of four methods used to explore students' sense of belonging in UK universities. The report was written by Sophie Connor who interviewed those utilising these different approaches to better understand and embed practices to support student belonging. Readers of the report will learn what each of these four methods entail, why each was chosen for their respective contexts, practical details like the recruitment of participants, and an overall critique of the strengths and challenges of each method. The report aims to make each of these innovative methods more accessible, so that they can be further utilised in student voice and institutional research projects around student belonging.

Readers can find out more about the broader cross-institutional Belonging Research Methodologies Group via the Padlet linked here.


Accessibility status

  • Has passed accessibility checks


University of Leeds

Date of resource creation

October 2024



Learning Resource Type

  • Case Study

Institutional email address
