Seeking out, applying for and gaining internal or external funding for small educational technology projects can bring numerous opportunities, including professional development, innovation and fostering new collaborations. However, for the uninitiated, the process of getting such funding can be a daunting experience.
This session will take a reflective approach to each stage of the process, drawing on personal experiences. The first stage includes finding appropriate sources of funding and identifying specific, time-bound project ideas; the order of these may vary in different situations. The next stage is approaching costing the project and gaining support from colleagues, as collaborators and/or reviewers. The final stage is writing the application and final report, and a range of tips and common pitfalls will be provided. Exploring the differences and commonalities between individual and collaborative opportunities will also be covered.
The recording of this presentation is linked below, accessible via the Association of Learning Technology (ALT)'s YouTube channel.
Advance HE Fellowship status
- Senior Fellowship
Author's role
- Educational developer
Accessibility status
- Has passed accessibility checks