Using group work for assessment: An academic’s perspective
Using group work for assessment an academic’s perspective
Under the correct circumstances, group work can be a powerful learning opportunity for students, helping develop key transferrable skills expected of the modern graduate.
However, group work needs to have a clear structure and expectation to prevent it from becoming a vehicle of acrimony and establishing a negative feeling towards group work among students. This review of the literature focuses on group work from the perspective of the academic setting the task. Good practice for setting up and managing group work is shared, common mistakes and student issues highlighted, and potential solutions and ways to generate individualised marks and methods to allow students to take ownership of the task suggested. The review is written from first-hand experience of setting and assessing group work tasks to help academics create a successful learning environment for their
Group work, assessment, transferrable skills.
Advance HE Fellowship status
- not applicable
Author's role
- Academic staff
Accessibility status
- Some files are accessible