Edge Hill University

Planning considerations for Socially Distanced Chemistry Laboratories

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Version 2 2021-11-04, 13:32
Version 1 2021-11-04, 13:21
posted on 2021-11-04, 13:32 authored by Cate Cropper, Helen Vaughan, Elisabeth Rushworth, Kathy Johnson, Steve Chappell

This article details the questions and considerations we have raised regarding the return to Chemistry teaching laboratories in September/October 2020. At the time of writing, we are still practicing social distancing to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

While some schools have returned and lockdown restrictions are starting to be relaxed, it is important that plans are made to include social distancing measures in Semester 1 of 2020-21 for those aiming to deliver lab course face to face (which I will refer to as wet labs). The response from the DryLabs community, facilitated by Malcolm Stewart, Craig Campbell and Ben Challen at Oxford University, displays a varied landscape of approaches. Initial reaction was that labs may be closed in Semester 1 and at present, the community is working to create a bank of shared virtual resources and communicating openly about their plans. During the DryLabs meeting in May, I questioned whether anyone would be delivering wet labs. The virtual room fell silent! Malcolm suggested I share my thoughts, which I did, and herein follow up on my presentation by detailing those considerations, which I hope will be helpful in shaping your own approaches.

Dr Cate Cropper,

Dr Helen Vaughan,

Dr Elisabeth Rushworth,

Dr Kathy Johnson,

Mr Steve Chappell.

Central Teaching Laboratories, The University of Liverpool

For correspondence please contact: CCropper@liverpool.ac.uk


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