Edge Hill University

Open Educational Resources - Reflecting on the metrics. Presentation given at the School of Social Sciences Showcase 25th June 2024

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posted on 2024-06-26, 15:21 authored by Iain Wilson PhD SFHEAIain Wilson PhD SFHEA

Presentation abstract:


Between 2023 and 2024, I have shared 15 Learning and Teaching resources via the National Teaching Repository (NTR), based on my Psychology—funded Scholarship sabbatical to develop and evaluate the Synthesised Model of Reflection. My work has had over 4000 views and nearly 1000 downloads, resulting in me being awarded the National Teaching Repository Open Education Resources (#OER) Champions Award 2024.

This presentation will outline an analysis of the metrics of the different types of resources that I have shared (Teaching Resources, Research Presentations, Information, Professional Development and Research Posters) to understand how users have engaged with my resources. ‘Off-the-shelf’ teaching resources were the most viewed and downloaded, and Professional Development resources were also popular, suggesting that staff and student learning was the main use of the NTR. Research Presentations were not as popular, suggesting that this is not what NTR users are primarily seeking.

Following the presentation, there will be an opportunity to discuss and share good practice around sharing Open Education Resources. This can include support for staff who are considering sharing their work openly such as via the NTR.

By the end of this workshop, colleagues will have an understanding of how NTR users potentially use this open access resource. They will also have received tips and guidance on how to apply this learning to developing OER practices.


NTU Psychology Scholarship Sabbatical


Advance HE Fellowship status

  • Senior Fellowship

Author's role

  • Academic staff

Accessibility status

  • Has passed accessibility checks

Twitter username



Nottingham Trent University

Date of resource creation

June 2024



Learning Resource Type

  • Conference Contribution

Target Group or Audience

Academic Staff; Educational Developers; Librarians; Learning Technologists; Other Professional Services; Anyone sharing OERs on NTR.

Learning Outcome

Developing reviewed, OERs which are designed to have higher impact.

Target Expertise or Skill Level

  • Intermediate

Usage metrics

    The National Teaching Repository: Global Reach and Impact



    Ref. manager