Enhancing Tutor Feedback
This ‘app’ is aimed at HE practitioners who experience challenges, like all of us, when we are tasked with the delivery of meaningful and useful feedback to students on their work. Unlike most ‘guides’ in this area, the intention is to consciously develop the feedback literacy skills of tutors using modelled exemplars and practice. Specifically, the aims are:
· To stimulate critical reflection on what constitutes useful written feedback;
· To present some principles of effective feedback;
· To identify problematic feedback and consider ways to transform it.
The materials used in this resource pack were sourced from a funded research project into improving feedback on a postgraduate course titled: Professional Enquiry and Decision Making (PEDM), which is part of the MEd (Professional Practice) degree for which students have to design a hypothetical research project leading to a 6,000 - word assignment in which they present their projects, including an overview of relevant literature, a description of research methodology and a literature review on the research methods chosen.
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- Has passed accessibility checks