Edge Hill University

Working together: Exploring collaborative opportunities to ‘SoTL’

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posted on 2021-10-28, 08:26 authored by Angela Carbone, The National Teaching Repository An Open Education Resource with global proven reach and impactThe National Teaching Repository An Open Education Resource with global proven reach and impact, Trent Maurer, Christopher Ostrowdun, Carol Rolheiser, Susan Smith, Angela Zito

Working together: Exploring collaborative opportunities to ‘SoTL’

A collaborative panel presentation for ISSOTL 2021: Sustainable Education through SoTL: practices and Cultures.

Hosted by the University of Western Australia, Perth, Australia. 26th- 29th October 2021


Our current context has magnified the need to connect with like-minded colleagues. Accordingly, this panel discussion will create an opportunity to connect with colleagues through ISSOTL’s Interest Groups.

The panel will begin with a short presentation to explain what Interest Groups are, provide examples, and articulate the value of membership in furthering one’s SoTL practice.

Facilitated by Interest Group Chairs/Co-Chairs the main body of the session will encourage discourse, facilitate interaction, solicit feedback, and invite questions. The presentation will close with a series of signposts to share how and where delegates can gain more information about ISSOTL interest groups.

For further information please visit our Interest Group page: https://issotl.com/interest-groups/

Lead for correspondence: Dawne: belld@edgehill.ac.uk Twitter: @belld17


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