Edge Hill University

Scholarship and Impact

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Version 2 2023-05-24, 17:25
Version 1 2021-09-10, 14:39
posted on 2023-05-24, 17:25 authored by Kate CuthbertKate Cuthbert, Dawne Irving-BellDawne Irving-Bell, Laura Stinson, Nathalie TaslerNathalie Tasler
A visual to accompany the 'Scholarship and Impact' panel discussion led by invited speakers:

Kate Cuthbert @cuthbert
Laura Stinson @lstinson81
Nathalie Tasler @drntasler
and Dawne Irving-Bell @belld17

Chair: Matt East @mdleast

Practical Pedagogy Conference
13th September 2021

Conference Link and Programme can be accessed here:


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