Edge Hill University

From monologue to dialogue - Scaffolding multi-perspective and co-constructed formative and summative feedback .pdf

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posted on 2023-10-17, 09:18 authored by Sue BeckinghamSue Beckingham

Poster presented at the AHE Conference 2023


As educators we want to encourage our students to react to and enact upon feedback given. However for students to benefit from feedback they need to understand the components of feedback literacy (Carless and Boud, 2018), the value of feedforward (Sambell et al, 2012) and how to connect the dots between different types of feedback. 

Supplementing one-way monologic feedback with interactive and dialogic feedback, provides students with opportunities to make sense of it. Furthermore it provides tutors with feedback on how students negotiate the meaning of not just the feedback but also the assessment guidance and marking criteria (Bloxham and West, 2007). Being able to ask questions and engage in conversations about their feedback, enable students to take ownership of their own development whilst feeling supported. However we know that students are not always proactive receivers of feedback (Winstone et al, 2017). Whilst the role of the tutor in this process is important, there’s a place for others to contribute. Yang and Carless’s (2013:287) feedback triangle makes a valuable connection between the content of feedback, the social end interpersonal negotiation of feedback, and the organisation and management of feedback. Yet unless the student is guided and supported to understand how to recognise the many different ways feedback can be given and develop trust in those giving feedback, they may find it hard to engage with any feedback and the value of ongoing social learning relationships. As McArthur and Huxham (2013) argue, the use of dialogic feedback should be introduced from the start and become an ongoing practice the students develop confidence in. 

The aim of my poster will be to visualise the interconnected components that can impact on the effective use of feedback. Based on an evaluation of practice, a case study of a second-year elective module will be used to demonstrate how scaffolding a variety of feedback mechanisms can help build feedback literacy, provide clarity of what is expected from students and identify pinch points. During the module ongoing formative feedback is given to students not only by their Tutor, but also their peers and the Clients students work with on an applied project. This includes verbal and written dialogic formative feedback and the integration of peer led social media and collaborative technologies for interactive and reflective feedback. The outcomes of the students’ final piece of summative assessment are greatly enhanced. 


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