Edge Hill University

Enhancing Bilingual Teaching Practices: An Action Research Evaluation of the 'Ein Taith Iaith' Staff Development Scheme

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posted on 2024-09-20, 16:07 authored by Marion Evans

The Ein Taith Iaith scheme addresses the imperative for staff to enhance their bilingual teaching skills and increase awareness of crucial tools for recording Welsh and bilingual provision in Wales's post-16 education sector. Thirty-two members of staff volunteered to take part in the scheme. A small fraction of learners in Further Education (FE) and Higher Education (HE) institutions self-identify as Welsh speakers, with a minority engaging in Welsh or bilingual learning. The Welsh Government's 'Cymraeg 2050' strategy targets an increase in Welsh speakers to one million by 2050. Bilingual education plays a crucial role in cultivating new Welsh speakers and promoting favourable attitudes towards language usage, in line with the goal of integrating Welsh into daily life. However, despite the growing demand for bilingual education, many practitioners lack the required skills, impeding the growth of Welsh-medium and bilingual learning opportunities. Therefore, the Ein Taith Iaith scheme seeks to empower practitioners by enhancing their bilingual delivery skills, thereby enriching learning experiences for all learners. The project methodology involved comprehensive pre- and post-questionnaires, individual goal-setting meetings, regular review sessions, and support structures such as workshops and mentorship. During the inaugural meeting, practitioners collectively decided on the most suitable bilingual teaching award, either bronze, silver or gold. The results indicate a notable improvement in staff bilingual delivery skills, increased confidence levels, and positive perceptions of the scheme's organisation and effectiveness. Moving forward, clear workload expectations, diversified workshop formats, ongoing support structures, and language practice opportunities are recommended to sustain and enhance bilingual teaching practices in FE and HE institutions.


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