Academic writing: Interactive resource for students
An interactive online resource helping students understand and develop their academic writing skills that can be embedded into Virtual Learning Environments.
This resource equips students with essential skills in academic style, writing conventions, paragraph structure, source integration, signposting, referencing, critical thinking, and editing, enabling them to produce clear, well-structured, and analytically sound academic papers across various disciplines.
Embed code for Virtual Learning Environments" aria-label="Academic Writing" width="1088" height="637" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen" allow="autoplay *; geolocation *; microphone *; camera *; midi *; encrypted-media *">" charset="UTF-8">
Advance HE Fellowship status
- Senior Fellowship
Author's role
- Academic staff
Accessibility status
- Has passed accessibility checks
HULL UNIVERSITYDate of resource creation
englishLearning Resource Type
- Interactive