Edge Hill University

Introducing Discrit - IDI Research Seminar

posted on 2022-11-18, 16:29 authored by Valentina Migliarini, Peter HickPeter Hick, Anna MariguddiAnna Mariguddi

 In this webinar, Dr. Migliarini will introduce the original tenets of DisCrit (Annamma, Connor, Ferri, 2013), and how they have expanded beyond education and across geographical spaces (Annamma, Ferri, Connor, 2022). Examples of her empirical work on the inclusion of disabled asylum-seeking and refugee youth in Italy and in the U.S. will be provided to substantiate her argument in favor of an intersectional approach to inclusive education, informed by transformative notions of justice.  Dr. Valentina Migliarini is Assistant Professor in Education Studies at the School of Education, University of Birmingham. Her work, both in research and teaching, focuses on increasing access to equitable education for students from multiply marginalised communities, specifically disabled students from migrant and forced migrant backgrounds, in secondary education. She is at the forefront of researchers using the Disability Critical Race Theory in Education (DisCrit) framework as an intersectional lens to examine inclusive policies and practices in education systems in Europe and in the United States.  The webinar is introduced by Prof Peter Hick.  To find our more about the IDI research network, see https://www.edgehill.ac.uk/departments/academic/education/research/research-groups-projects/inclusion-diversity-identity-research-network/ 


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