Edge Hill University

Getting Students Ready for Work --Dr Iwi Ugiagbe-Green --Higher Education Research Seminar

posted on 2021-04-09, 08:59 authored by Iwi Ugiagbe-Green
‘Getting students ready for work’ – what it means for all students
Dr. Iwi Ugiagbe Green, Leeds University

Iwi is a strong advocate of research informed teaching and holds a PhD in Accounting Education from University of Leeds.

In particular, she has undertaken research on ‘working to get students ready for work’, ‘professional identity’ and has published articles on the topic of unconscious bias in recruitment. Iwi’s work recently featured in Advance HE’s new publication ‘Employability: Breaking the Mould’:

‘Whose job is it anyway? Inclusive approaches to developing work-ready students for the graduate labour market’.

Hear more about the importance of her research in this session.

Iwi has worked in a varied range of business and management roles in Higher Education since graduating from University of Huddersfield in 2000. She worked in higher education as a management accountant, financial accountant and tax accountant before moving into academia in 2008. Since then she has taught most areas of accounting and finance (specialising in management accounting) at undergraduate and postgraduate levels in the UK, Hong Kong and China. Iwi is an early career researcher and holds a PhD in Accounting Education from University of Leeds; she is a strong advocate of research informed teaching. Before taking up her current appointment at Leeds University Business School, Iwi was a Course Director for postgraduate accounting and finance programmes at Leeds Beckett University.
