FoE Research Seminar: Dr Anna Liddle: “Your School Needs You to Wear a Poppy” Exclusions and inclusions in school war remembrance
Seminar held on 6th April 2022 in the Faculty of Education, Edge Hill (Online).
Paper given by Dr Anna Liddle: “Your School Needs You to Wear a Poppy” Exclusions and inclusions in school war remembrance
Abstract: Due to the recent centenary of World War One there has been an increased interest in how war is commemorated in English schools. In this seminar I will draw upon an in-depth case study of a diverse school in northern England to analyse how remembrance is performed within the space of the school. I identify a ‘Red Poppy Remembrance Discourse’ (RPRD) which reproduces a white, militarised, nationalistic approach to remembrance. Overall, I suggest that remembrance practices of this type normalise war and are symptomatic of what Galtung refers to as ‘cultural violence’.
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