Edge Hill University

Argumentation at the Interface of Science and RE

posted on 2021-01-20, 10:46 authored by Sibel Erduran
Argumentation at the Interface of Science and RE
Prof Sibel Erduran, University of Oxford

12th January 12 noon


Argumentation, or the justification of knowledge claims with evidence and reasons, has emerged as a significant educational goal, advocated in international curricula and investigated through school-based research. In the context of science education, there has been a growing body of research on argumentation in the past two decades. However, cross-subject investigations on argumentation is fairly scarce. For instance, although much has been researched about the teaching and learning of the evolution versus intelligent design debate, research and development on argumentation as a pedagogical strategy at the interphase of science and religious education is practically unexplored. The purpose of this presentation is to share some research from the ongoing OARS Project funded by the Templeton World Charity Foundation. The 3-year project in engaging science and religious education (RE) teachers in a continuous professional development programme about argumentation. Data from the teachers as well as their Key Stage 3 students have been collected to investigate the impact of the programme through qualitative and quantitative methodologies. Findings will be shared which will include how teachers and students interpret argumentation in both science and RE contexts.


