Edge Hill University

The School of Nursing Compendium of Effective Practice: Innovation and Impact

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Version 3 2024-06-10, 14:15
Version 2 2024-06-09, 08:53
Version 1 2024-06-09, 00:34
educational resource
posted on 2024-06-10, 14:15 authored by Nicola Ayers, Alex Griffiths, Kelly Drury, Dawne Irving-BellDawne Irving-Bell

The School of Nursing: Impact & Innovation. A Compendium of Effective Practice

The School of Nursing Compendium offers the opportunity for all Faculty to present a short article on a contemporary piece of work which is pertinent to both peers and leaners. The compendium is an internally written but external facing collection of articles that have been authored by lecturers in both the Undergraduate and Postgraduate portfolio in the School of Nursing.

The articles in this first edition showcase some wide-ranging issues in healthcare, from communication skills in an intensive care setting, to best practice tips for supporting new colleagues. The authors come with a wealth of clinical and academic experience in the UK and global health sector and want to share their knowledge and experience in this contemporary setting.

The articles explore areas which support the National Health Service (NHS) and wider health sector in meeting the challenges faced in workforce growth and development, and have the potential to influence the preparation and employment of graduates and postgraduates into the nursing and healthcare professional workforce, who are integral to a global workforce which is paramount to the school’s ethos.

Compendium: DOI: 10.25416/NTR.25795573

Innovation & Impact: To access individual articles in the Collection please visit: https://doi.org/10.25416/NTR.c.7227298


Advance HE Fellowship status

  • Principal Fellowship

Author's role

  • Academic staff

Accessibility status

  • Some files are accessible


BPP University

Date of resource creation

June 2024



Learning Resource Type

  • Reading

Target Group or Audience
