Edge Hill University

Retinal Neurons Card Game!

educational resource
posted on 2023-08-22, 13:48 authored by Kellyanne Findlay

This card game provides a fun, interactive way to consolidate knowledge of the retinal neurons. The game described is based on the classic “Snap” card game where the aim is to identify matching cards. In this game, matching means identifying two cards that describe the same retinal neuron. For example, a picture of a rod photoreceptor on one card and a description matching a rod photoreceptor on another card.

However, the cards could also be used for a different game such as building a retina. Groups of players could compete (by correctly answering questions, for example) to collect cards representing each retinal neuron to complete the game.

What is included?

Included in this resource are:

  • Retinal Neurons Card Game”: this document contains the cards required for the game and should be printed double sided, `flip on long edge’. Individual cards can then be laminated and cut out.
  • Overview of cards”: this spreadsheet shows the information presented on each card.
  • Retinal Neurons Card Game instructions”: this instruction sheet contains more detailed information about game play.

Who can play?

Number of players: 2-4 players + 1 additional person to check responses are correct (the `judge’). Given that this information may be new to players, it is prudent to have an independent person there who can check that the responses (match or no match) are correct.


The retinal neurons card game includes: 

  • 14 rod photoreceptor cards
  • 14 cone photoreceptor cards
  • 6 bipolar cell cards
  • 10 retinal ganglion cell cards
  • 2 `blind spot’ cards*
  • 2 `3-dimensional perception’ cards*

*The `blind spot’ cards and the `3-dimensional perception’ cards are optional (more information in the `Retinal Neurons Card Game instructions’ document).


Advance HE Fellowship status

  • Senior Fellowship

Author's role

  • Academic staff

Accessibility status

  • Not accessible, or has not been checked

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