Edge Hill University

NTF and CATE Flashcards

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educational resource
posted on 2023-09-06, 22:41 authored by Chrissi Nerantzi, Charles Buckley, Deeba Parmar, Alex Walker


This is an openly licensed question sets for use with and by aspiring National Teaching Fellows (NTF) and teams of the Collaborative Award for Teaching Excellence (CATE). 

The question set has been developed by Dr Chrissi Nerantzi, NTF (University of Leeds), Dr Charles Buckley, NTF (University of Liverpool), Dr Deeba Parmar (Middlesex University), and Alex Walker (University of the Highlands and Islands). All four are the TEAL Network Convenors 2022-2023 and regularly support and mentor colleagues within their institutions and/or nationally who aspire to become CATE and/or NTF winners.

Financial support has been generously provided by the University of Aberystwyth for this project. These funds were used to work with students from the School of Art at Manchester Met who were selected via a competition. Artwork and design contributors: Man Met  Foundation Art & Design students Cresson Wilson, Hazel Brough, Seren Otoole, Sophia Johanning. Supported by Benjamin Greenhalgh, Senior Lecturer and Louise Batchelor, Senior Lecturer.

The set can be used in a variety of ways by individuals and in group settings. We would love to hear how you are using them.


University of Aberystwyth


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