Edge Hill University

dataset from: 'Pay now or wait a year: embargoes as a selective barrier to access'

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Version 2 2021-04-12, 08:19
Version 1 2021-01-14, 08:56
posted on 2021-04-12, 08:19 authored by Liam BullinghamLiam Bullingham
This dataset informs a conference presentation (UKSG Annual Conference 2021, April 12-14 2021) and journal article, due to be published later in 2021.

This case study considers journal articles published by Edge Hill University in 2019. A key finding is that embargoes mean certain kinds of research articles can be 'locked down' for longer. For instance, educational research articles were found to be held back from public access for more than twice the time when compared with health research. This divide is driven by disseminating research through publishers which make extensive use of embargo periods.

As a result, some consumers of Edge Hill's research (e.g. schools, teachers) may need to wait longer to use it. This can potentially affect their ability to use research to innovate, enhance practice, or respond to societal challenges.

Version 2 notes:
This version corrects an earlier error in the Master Sheet data, whereby a single output was mis-categorised. The associated graphs have been updated. A new column ('Column D: sub-faculty') is also available in the Master Sheet - this enables analysis of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences in terms of STM (Science, Technology, Mathematics) and AHSS (Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences) disciplines.


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