Edge Hill University
2. Explain what barriers you face.xlsx (11.05 kB)
3. What are your positive perceptions, experiences, thoughts and or feelings of public transport in the UK.xlsx (10.06 kB)
4. What are your negative experiences.xlsx (11.06 kB)
5. How can we develop a new or updated inclusive transport service.xlsx (10.2 kB)
6. How should we raise awareness of unjust treatment.xlsx (9.7 kB)
7. What questions should we be asking.xlsx (9.83 kB)
6 files

Disabled People’s Perceptions of Public Transport Service in the UK

posted on 2024-03-05, 16:18 authored by Nicholas CatahanNicholas Catahan, Susie Marriott, Oliver Moores

Datasets relating to Disabled People’s Perceptions of Public Transport Service in the UK

24th February 2023 - 24th February 2024

This exploratory study is to better understand the United Kingdom (UK) transport service for those with disabilities through Transformative Service Research (TSR). This TSR considers Field et al. (2021) Service Research Priority 7 (SRP7 Services for disadvantaged consumers and communities) in the context of Disabled people’s perceptions and lived experiences of public transport service in the UK. Greater insight into Disabled consumer transport experiences at a local/regional level and service ecosystem mindset contributes to much needed innovation on a more diverse, inclusive transport service ecosystem revolution.

Datasets 2-7, attached here, are anonymised responses to an online survey. Dataset 1 contained personal data of participants and is not provided here. The aims of the survey were:

  • To explore insights of Disabled people's experiences of public transport in the UK.
  • To consider positive sentiments, barriers and facilitators linked to public transport.
  • To identify suggestions for short and long-term solutions for overcoming some of the barriers.

The study results have been submitted for publication and a link will be provided here when available.


Edge Hill University Research Investment Fund


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  • Has passed accessibility checks