Arts for the Blues: Theme Tables for Stakeholder and Trainee Events
This dataset is raw data from the AHRC-funded project titled: 'Arts for the Blues: Towards integrating the use of the arts in healthcare and cultural settings to tackle depression and improve wellbeing in the North West of England'.
It consists of responses to questions asked to stakeholders and trainees at workshops, focus groups and training events with healthcare and cultural organisations and with target beneficiaries from our Patient and Public Involvement group.
The data is linked to an article submitted to PLOS ONE: 'Developing a Strategy to Scale up Place-Based Arts Initiatives that Support Mental Health and Wellbeing: A Realist Evaluation of ‘Arts for the Blues’.' A link to the article will be provided when it is published.
Arts for the Blues: Towards integrating the use of the arts in healthcare and cultural settings to tackle depression and improve wellbeing in the NW
Arts and Humanities Research Council
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