Edge Hill University

Transforming Higher Education: How Can We Integrate Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion into Our Practice and Curriculum?

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conference contribution
posted on 2024-07-09, 07:07 authored by Michelle Welsh, Ourania VarsouOurania Varsou

Presented as a 90-minute workshop at the Enhancing Student Learning Through Innovative Scholarship Conference.


The Equality Act 2010 (UK) safeguards individuals against discrimination, vital not only in broader society, but also within teaching and learning settings. It is insufficient merely to avoid discrimination, however, there also needs to be proactivity to incorporate inclusivity into our curricula and teaching practice. There is therefore a need to review teaching practices to decolonise curricula, but also to foster an environment embracing inclusive teaching in Higher Education. This will ensure that the education we provide to our students remains accessible, and reflective and representative of everyone. 

Embedding Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) into teaching and curricula can initially seem daunting. Many of us may fear making mistakes or misusing language, and often do not know where to start. To overcome this, offering training and resources providing insight into how EDI can be creatively and effectively incorporated into curricula might help build confidence and thus create greater momentum for change across the sector. 

To support this, we propose a workshop discussing examples of how EDI can be embedded into Higher Education curricula, based on our experience doing this in a science curriculum. This workshop will adopt a collaborative approach beginning with a 15-minute introduction to provide a contextual background, followed by a 15-minute participant-led discussion centred around the concepts of equality and equity as foundational elements and how justice breaks down barriers. The workshop leaders will deliver a 15-minute presentation giving examples of how EDI can be integrated throughout a programme, drawing from our own practice ranging from bespoke honours level courses to standalone workshops, considering vertical curriculum integration and assessment, along with challenges faced and benefits gained. This will provide tangible examples that participants can adapt and adopt into their own practice. The following 30 minutes, participants will develop actionable plans for incorporating EDI principles into their specific disciplines, with support from the workshop leaders. They can discuss these in small groups, before sharing their thoughts with the wider cohort. We will conclude with 15 minutes of reflecting on the lessons learned from the workshop. Participants will be invited to share their plans and insights anonymously as a direct output from this workshop, contributing to a broader dialogue on embedding EDI in Higher Education curricula. 

The goal of this workshop is to instil confidence, showcase examples and inspire educators to adopting innovative EDI practices, and hence enhance student learning by fostering a more inclusive and representative curriculum.


Advance HE Fellowship status

  • Associate Fellowship

Author's role

  • Academic staff

Accessibility status

  • Has passed accessibility checks

Twitter username

@OuraniaVarsou & @mwelshUoG


University of Glasgow

Date of resource creation

08 July 2024



Learning Resource Type

  • Conference Contribution

Target Expertise or Skill Level

  • Intermediate

Usage metrics

    The National Teaching Repository: Global Reach and Impact


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