posted on 2021-09-08, 09:02authored byAnne Margaret Tierney
In 2006, a Faculty Learning Community (FLC) was set up at the University
of Glasgow (Bell et al, 2006). Using the Miami model proposed by Cox
(2004), the purpose of the FLC was two-fold; to bring together a group of
University Teachers (UT), a new academic position at the University of
Glasgow, introduced in 2002 to incorporate the merger of the university with
St. Andrews College of Education, and to allow the UTs to develop their
knowledge of the Scholarship of Teaching & Learning (SoTL), which was
itself a requirement of progression and promotion within the institution.
Twelve UTs from six faculties were chosen to form the FLC. Invitations were
sent out to all UTs in the institution (137 in 10 faculties), and 22 applications
from UTs in 7 faculties were received. Members of the FLC were selected on
the basis of application statement and availability. Starting with a residential
retreat which began the process of community building, and following with
monthly meetings, each with a particular SoTL theme, the FLC flourished for
the twelve months of its existence, and offered the members a community
which offered support to them in their struggle with academic identity.
The UTLC was the subject of two papers, Bell et al, 2006, which described
the origins of the Learning Community, and a second paper (MacKenzie et
al, in press) which sought to identify the benefits that came from the twelve
months that the UTs spent together. Through interviews and focus groups it
became apparent that the UTLC fostered a sense of community for the UTs,
and helped them to define an academic identity for themselves, through
mutual support and trust within the group. On a practical level, the UTLC
also allowed the UTs the opportunity to work together with colleagues
outwith their disciplines, and form relationships across faculties, which rarely
happen in other situations. This has led to further academic collaborations
between subgroups of the UTs that formed the UTLC. This presentation will
look at the effect that the UTLC had on the individuals, and, in addition, will
offer a personal reflection of the perception of teaching-only academics in a
research-intensive institution
This paper was presented at the Academic Identities' conference, University of Strathclyde, 2010.